COVID-19 Updates
COVID-19 RESPONSE & PREPAREDNESS Safety is Our Top Priority
Palm Diagnostics is OPEN for business and taking every precaution to keep our clients and staff safe and healthy
WE ARE VACCINATED AGAINST COVID-19 And Ready to Safely Serve You
In January 2021, the Palm Diagnostics team furthered our role in fighting the battle against the coronavirus pandemic by receiving COVID-19 vaccinations. Additionally, the nursing homes, senior living facilities and other clients that we work with are also received vaccinated which is another layer of protection for our staff members and other clients.
At Palm Diagnostics, we are committed to doing what we can to put an end to the pandemic and help life return to normal. Our Regional Vice President proudly received his vaccine in early January 2021 and is feeling fantastic!
We are following all CDC and local health department guidelines and recommendations.
For additional information or to schedule an appointment, please reach out to us at 410-788-7256 or drop us your email address below.

Learn How We're Responding to COVID-19
At Palm Diagnostics, our commitment to provide quality mobile imaging services, in a safe manner, remains our top priority. We are following all CDC guidelines and doing everything we can to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of our clients and staff. In order to do this, Palm Diagnostics has implemented safety guidelines to help keep our clients and staff healthy. Learn more about them below.

Face Coverings
Our staff members wear face masks that cover their nose and mouth to protect against the spread of germs.
Sanitized Equipment
Our devices and machines are thoroughly cleaned before and after every single usage with medical grade disinfectants.
Social Distancing
We keep our distance whenever possible and limit contact to only when absolutely necessary for procedures.
Hand Washing
We wash our hands before and after every patient interaction. Additionally, frequent hand washing is a requirement.
Temperature Checks
Our staff members receive daily temperature checks to ensure that they are healthy prior to entering a facility.
Contactless Results
For your convenience and protection, results are delivered electronically. As always, you'll receive them within 2-hours.
Thank you for your continued patience and support. We look forward to continuing to safely serve you on your mobile imaging needs.